10 Tips for Sustainable Printing
First off, thanks for your interest in this important topic! The world needs a lot more people like you, because su…
Do You Believe Any of These Printer Management Myths?
Printers aren’t important, and surely most businesses are up to the task of optimizing their own fleet. All you hav…
What Is the Difference Between A3 and A4 Copiers?
The biggest difference between the two is an A3 copier is capable of printing on bigger paper. That sounds a little…
Print Security Report Reveals 6 Need-To-Know Stats
Watch out – Quocira’s annual report on the state of print security is out, and it is a stark reminder of the work n…
Questions To Ask Before Purchasing a Production Printer
Does your organization need to produce a lot of printed materials? If you do a significant amount of print marketin…
There’s an Easier Way To Do Procurement for K-12 and Higher Education
At first glance, an elementary school in Oregon wouldn’t have that much in common with an elite liberal arts univer…
How Secure Printing Protects Confidential Information
Relying on shared versus personal printers is a great way to optimize your print environment and reduce costs. But …
5 Expenses You Need To Include in Your Cost-To-Print Calculation
Do you know what your organization is spending on print costs every year? If not, go ahead and take a wild guess…an…
How To Fix Common Business Printer Problems
More country music should really be written about printers. After all, they tend to take our money, let us down, an…