IT Consulting Services

Add CIO or CISO Capabilities Without Adding Staff

There’s no need to pay exorbitant rates for an in-house Chief Information Officer or a Chief Information Security Officer when you can borrow ours for less. We offer packages that are tailored to your organization's ongoing needs. Plus, as part of the program, you'll also be eligible for highly discounted preferred consulting rates for any additional IT consulting needs. 

Avoid Costly Mistakes

Avoid Costly Mistakes

A seasoned technology or cybersecurity leader already knows what can move your business forward when you’re heading down a dead end. They can steer you towards smart tech choices and tap the brakes when something’s off. Perhaps more importantly, they can also provide a helpful roadmap to simplify your future decisions or help you prepare to meet required compliance requirements.

Meet Your New...

FractionalCIO-Icon-LGT Chief Information Officer

Your fractional CIO will focus on aligning IT priorities and investments with the company's core financial objectives. They’ll also be able to help you with both IT operations and strategic planning.

Here are a few more specifics about what your vCIO can help you achieve:

  • More revenue and reduced infrastructure costs
  • Increased productivity through user-friendly tools
  • A prioritized list of recommended IT upgrades
  • Simplified decision-making with the help of real-time data
  • Accelerate expansion into new markets or customer segments
  • Greater employee satisfaction
  • Establish quarterly executive reporting

Every organization is different and has different needs, so we can give you a clearer picture of what our vCIO services could do for your organization if we schedule some time for a quick chat. Click the link below, and we’ll have an expert reach out! 

FractionalCISO-Icon-LGT Chief Information Security Officer

Your fractional CISO can work with IT and executive leadership to implement and manage your information security strategy, including regulatory compliance, risk management, and data protection, following best practices outlined in the NIST Cybersecurity Framework.

Here are a few things you can expect your vCISO to help you do:

  • Meet vendor due diligence requirements
  • Minimize the risk of costly data breaches and malware infections
  • Improve security monitoring, detection, and response capabilities
  • Build a resilient security program
  • Protect intellectual property, trade secrets, and other business assets

For a cutting-edge technology company, we’re a little old school about our relationships. Our experts are happy to answer any questions you might have about your current cybersecurity posture and how we could get you to a better place and keep you there. 

Want an Outsider’s Perspective Without the Commitment?

We offer comprehensive technology and cybersecurity assessments to help clients understand what's working well and where their dollars could have the most impact. It’s also a great way to get a feel for what we do and how we work! 

woman smiling

Unlock Your Business’s True Potential

What could you achieve if all mischief were managed and the top technology minds in the business were working towards your success? Let’s find out, shall we?