February 14, 2024 | 5 min. read

6 Questions To Ask a Managed IT Provider

A managed IT provider can do a lot more than just provide IT services and support. Many providers have the capacity to serve as key strategic business partners, but unless you ask six key questions,...

Clay Ostlund

Clay Ostlund

Clay Ostlund has worked his way through the ranks at Marco from a Senior Systems Engineer to Chief Technology Officer. Now responsible for choosing the technologies Marco brings to market, Clay takes pride in inspiring positive change within the workplace. From implementing automation to improving work processes to ensuring a positive client experience, Clay is taking technology further … and taking our clients’ businesses further.  While Products is one of his teams, he also works with Internal Systems (IS), Data Center, Development (onshore/offshore), Business Intelligence, and Business Analysts. His achievements at Marco include managing and growing our Cisco and Microsoft divisions. He also earned his CCIE from Cisco – or as Clay calls it, his master’s in “geek speak.” This expert certification requires an immense amount of work and is accepted worldwide as the most prestigious networking certification in the industry.
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July 17, 2024 | 3 min. read

The Rise of Business-Led IT

Have you ever gotten exactly what you wished for and not loved the result? Well, that’s what’s been happening for a…

January 5, 2023 | 2 min. read

IT Life Cycle 101

Ca-chunk, ca-chunk, whirrrr…that’s the sound of your trusty old printer producing yet another document. It’s also t…

November 16, 2022 | 3 min. read

The Benefits of Digital Transformation

Ever find yourself wishing you had more information to guide your decisions? If your organization has a few years u…

July 8, 2022 | 2 min. read

Why Voice over IP Is Better for Your Small Business

When you operate a small business, every dollar counts. While it’s often easy to identify large, unnecessary expend…

May 25, 2022 | 3 min. read

When Should Your Business Switch to Cloud Computing?

Prior to the pandemic, many companies weren’t even considering migrating to the cloud. But COVID-19 made a few thin…

May 11, 2022 | 3 min. read

Why Does Your Business Need a Cloud Migration Strategy?

More than six out of ten businesses migrated to the cloud in 2020 and took advantage of the many benefits that on-p…

February 18, 2022 | 2 min. read

Business Enablement That Extends Beyond Technology

Trendy business language like "siloed," "drill down," and "put a pin in that" may set your teeth on edge, and you'r…

May 22, 2020 | 2 min. read

4 Benefits of Network Management Services

With 24/7 access to networks being essential in today's business climate, suffering through extended network downti…

April 9, 2020 | 5 min. read

What Is A Virtual Server and How Can It Save My Business Money?

Companies everywhere are realizing significant cost savings and improved flexibility through the virtualization of …
