FAQ: How Can I Help Make Our Business and Work More Mobile? 

By: Marco
April 19, 2018

The growing popularity and practicality of a mobile workforce is getting harder to ignore. The changing landscape of business allows people to work from anywhere. Instead of work needing to happen at the office, it can take place in a coffee shop, at the airport or in a hotel room. Anywhere with an internet connection can be a place where employees complete their work.

Faq: Making Businesses Remote-work Friendly

FAQ: How Can I Help Make Our Business and Work More Mobile?Nowadays, employees are more able than ever to complete their work without stepping foot in the office. Here are some of the top questions business owners have about enabling a mobile workplace.

Doesn’t Everything Work Better in the Office?

Not anymore. It used to be that employees had to be at the office to access information from their desktop computer and on the private server. But a lot of businesses don’t have private servers or desktop computers. Some businesses don’t even have desks. Work computers can weigh a couple of pounds and be carried to any location with electricity and connectivity. With a laptop, a cell phone and internet connection, employees can work anywhere - especially with Unified Communications, powered by Mitel.

Will My Business Data Be Secure?

It’s important to have end-point security when you’re enabling a mobile workforce. But really, any business could benefit from end-point security – especially since many employees who work in the office still take their laptops home to work after hours. Even with remote employees, your business can have the right security strategy.

How Does Working From Home Affect Business Culture?

This question is really about keeping people unified when they’re not catching up around the water cooler or coffee pot. Preserving business culture has a lot to do with enabling communication. After all, communication helps employees stay close, even when they can’t walk into a coworker’s office to catch up. Unified communications keeps employees connected to their peers, regardless of location. It enables countless streams of communication – from voice and chat to video conferencing and screen sharing. It keeps a mobile workforce connected.

What is Needed to Set Up a Home Office?

A laptop, a cell phone, an internet connection and a wireless router are the bare basics needed for a home office. You need to be sure that your workplace information and applications can be accessed remotely. Plus, you want to be sure your mobile workforce is able to communicate effectively. With these things in place, employees will be able to work remotely.    

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