Sourcewell is a government agency that helps out nonprofit organizations, educational institutions
How Does Sourcewell Work?

Sourcewell helps qualifying organizations purchase the products and services they need without having to navigate the lengthy RFP (request for proposals) process. Instead of putting out an RFP, receiving competitive solicitations, vetting vendors and making a purchasing decision, qualifying organizations can simply purchase from one of Sourcewell’s selected vendors at a pre-negotiated price.
How Do I Know If My Business Qualifies?
Any organization with nonprofit status qualifies for Sourcewell cooperative contracts. Additionally, educational institutions and government entities, like state, local and city governments, also qualify to become a member.
How Much Does Sourcewell Cost?
Sourcewell membership is free. There are zero costs associated with membership, and there are no hidden fees or annual costs. Vendors pay to be part of Sourcewell, not members. Also, there is no requirement for members to make purchases through Sourcewell.

Is It as Good as It Sounds?
I’ll admit, Sourcewell cooperative contracts give off an “it sounds too good to be true” sort of feeling. But Sourcewell membership benefits are completely honest. I like to say, Sourcewell is there to help, not sell. They’re what’s called a no-fee procurement consultant. They really do serve their members, and they serve them well.
What’s the Downside?
The closest I can get to a downside is that every product a qualifying organization might need won’t be there. There are hundreds of qualified vendors and thousands of products and services available, but sometimes, what you need might not be available. In this scenario, the Sourcewell member would follow a traditional purchasing process.
How Do I Get Started With Sourcewell?
Getting started with Sourcewell takes just a few minutes. All you need to do is head over to the Sourcewell website. And you may be surprised to learn that your organization already is an Sourcewell member. I recommend checking with your business manager - they’ve likely been using Sourcewell cooperative contracts to access goods and services for quite some time.