Clay Ostlund
Chief Revenue Officer
Clay Ostlund has worked his way through the ranks at Marco from a Senior Systems Engineer to Chief Technology Officer, and now his new role as Chief Revenue Officer. Clay takes pride in inspiring positive change within the workplace. From implementing automation, to improving work processes, to ensuring a positive client experience, Clay is taking technology further to benefit our clients and their business.
His achievements at Marco include managing and growing our Cisco and Microsoft divisions. He also earned his CCIE from Cisco – or as Clay calls it, his master’s in “geek speak.” This expert certification requires an immense amount of work and is accepted worldwide as the most prestigious networking certification in the industry.
At home, his inspiration can be found with his wife and four children, who motivate him to provide the greatest possible future for his family. If Clay could have a superpower, he would freeze time – to slow down how quickly his kids are growing up, to spend more time with family and to accomplish more each day at Marco.
While this tech expert can be found in front of a computer most of the work day – off the clock, he spends time woodworking with only a solar-powered calculator and an AM/FM radio.
B.S. degree in Management Information Systems from North Dakota State University.
- 40 Under 40 – Prairie Business Magazine, 2019
Community involvement
Board member for St. Cloud Industrial Products Inc.; volunteers at his kids’ schools; “Watch D.O.G” – (Dads of Great Students); and active in his church.
Joined Marco