A Reliable Cloud-Based Strategy [Video]

By: Dustin Bonn
April 26, 2018

Cloud strategy is part of nearly every forward thinking business conversation. From line of business software and phone to email, considering a shift towards cloud could help accommodate business growth strategies. If you’re interested in a reliable cloud-based strategy, this video is for you:

“The cloud” is simply a place where your data and/or business applications are housed. The cloud can have varied layers of security and many benefits for today’s businesses. When I work with a business that’s navigating through their cloud strategy, I always want to start out by getting an understanding of where they’re at. How well do they understand the cloud and what business problem or goal are they trying to solve for?

Some companies want to move their applications to the cloud because they think it’s less expensive. Others want to enable a mobile workforce without compromising security. And others want to protect their infrastructure from things beyond their control like power outages and natural disasters. All of these reasons are great places to start a conversation about cloud-based strategy.

Working with a technology specialist to design, develop and implement a cloud-based strategy is going to give you a reliable partner who can help you understand the choices you’re making and advise on which decisions will help you reach your specific business goals. When you have expertise on your side, what could be a confusing and frustrating experience can be pretty smooth.

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